So you’ve decided to buy a new furnace. Good move! A properly installed furnace gives your home that lovely warm and fuzzy feeling. A poorly installed furnace can be a ticking time bomb. Here are some things you should know: 1. Sizing Matters An undersized...
Are you paying high maintenance fees for your furnace? With a bit of knowledge and elbow grease, you can do some of that maintenance on your own. DIY furnace maintenance doesn’t replace professional inspections and repairs, but it can extend the life of your...
If you’re reading this, chances are, you’re dealing with a furnace that sounds like a truck about to drop its transmission. The good news? The problem may not be as serious as it sounds. In fact, there may not be a problem at all. The bad news? — Well,...
Cool air from the vents is a blessing in August. Not so much in January. It will have you scratching your head in confusion, muttering in frustration, turning the garage inside out for the space heater you haphazardly stored last spring, and ultimately rushing to the...
Hey there, DIY enthusiast! We’ve lined up a honey-do list for you, and vent cleaning is the numero uno chore this weekend. Are we excited, or what? We know you call in the pros now and then to scrub your ducts (if you don’t, you should), but between...