Appliance Repair Tips
Most accidents happen at home. Thus spake Captain Obvious. It’s easy to see why—we spend most of our time and conduct the lion’s share of our activities at home. This is especially true of toddlers too young for school or independent outdoor activities. The average 4-year-old child spends approximately 80-90% of their time at […]
You’ve settled in for the evening, but something feels off. You’re outside the Goldilocks zone — too hot or cold.
You adjust the thermostat, but the temperature won’t budge. What gives?
Your thermostat might be trying to tell you something. In this blog, we’ll explore the common signs your thermostat needs TLC.
Bigger is better when it comes to air conditioning, right?
No, not at all.
Correct sizing is crucial for efficient operation — too large, and your AC will constantly cycle on and off, wasting energy. Too small and will run non-stop without ever effectively cooling your home.
According to the EPA, “indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times — and occasionally more than 100 times — higher than outdoor levels.”
So, what can you do about it? Probably more than you realize. Here are some easy ways to improve indoor air quality in your home — starting today.
We’re used to noises in the kitchen.
The whoosh of the dishwasher. The whistle of the teapot. The buzz of the timer. The noshing of the midnight snacker.
A little noise from the refrigerator is normal and healthy, but when it starts to bang, bump, and grind, you’ve got a problem on your hands.
Have you ever found yourself in the maze of furnace efficiency ratings and wondered what those numbers mean? Should you even care?
Understanding furnace efficiency ratings helps you save hard-earned cash on energy bills. It also keeps Mama Earth happier!